We built DE Stubby tail feathers as per plans. In our experience, any deficiencies in the elevator effectiveness is due to a too forward flying CG. Recent discussion concludes that CG should be located at about 30% of the wing cord back from the leading edge. Stubby's CG is somewhere around 26%, and we think that leads to up elevator being not as effective as desired (this is all during power off, low speed, as during a stall or at landing). During flight testing, we modified the elevator linkage to allow about 45 degrees up elevator deflection, which helped. We also adjusted the nose of the horiz stab down as far as it will go, which also helped. We would like to get the flying CG nearer to 30%, but there are no desirable ways for us to do that. Another change that would help would be to raise the horiz stab spar a bit, but that requires changing the support wires. We may eventually try that.
I don't know, but it seems that increasing the elevator area may increase its authority, but may decrease vertical stability, i.e., make it more sensitive. The airplane seems to fly well at anything above near-stall speeds.