My years as an airline turbine specialist(A&P,I.A.), did not OBVIOUSLY make use of fabric skills I learned in the GA community, however......anything sharp is an enemy of fabric....especially fabric that is not stitched and can become loose. I would suggest, not only the AC43-13 as a guide....but watch a few youtube covering vids. The last one I recovered was a Citabria, and I used tapes on ANYTHING that was sharp. It's just good practice. Adds almost zero weight, but plenty of peace of mind,especially at buffeting winds aloft. Surface balance is usually never a big deal,especially with this airfoil and flutter is not a giant concern BUT as a caveat....ALWAYS check static balance of ANY moveable surface. Again, the 43:13 addresses this as well. If you dont feel comfortable doing this, the local EAA ch. can assist.