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Author Topic: Broken motor mount bolts on lower mounts  (Read 14693 times)

Offline scottiniowa

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Re: Broken motor mount bolts on lower mounts
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2016, 09:59:47 PM »
I think this would be a good time to point out particular point-or at least a point that is NOT CALLED out on Sheet 8A 

NO matter what studs you use,
               if you rely on the Rubber Cont. Engine mount rubbers that insert into  your "tube" that is welded on. your frame. 
                            And do so as drawn.. with no washers that are larger than said tube that is welded on your frame.

You are at that point completely at the mercy of these rubber bushings. Or perhaps better said, if your nut and washer is sized smaller than the threw hole, you are opening yourself to a possible pull through of bolts out of the bushings.

Now before some shout- It can never happen. I am not saying it will happen, simply saying as drawn, it could.  Granted a few things would have to be just right, but the first would be breaking down bushings, and you simply can't see or inspect this well enough on routine checks.

There is a good reason for "lord mounts" to have the large washer- i.e., much larger than the center hole in place, on both sides.
Just food for thought.
One other thing, the cont. bushings are sold by many different folks, with some very soft, and some extremely hard. This also is a factor in how the studs perform.
Just food for thought.
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