Update on chase cam adventures. I am working on version 12 now, the best so far is version 11, modification 2. Model 12 is addressing one of the problems all previous versions have had, the rolling. From what i have learned so far almost anything will work when it is dead calm, if camera is aimed to get a good shot. When there is the least bit of wind the unit likes to roll, in the plane it is corrected with ailerons so version 12 will have ailerons. The ailerons are controlled by an RC airplane stabilizer. Finally found someone at a hobby shop in Pittsburg Kansas that took interest in what i am trying to achieve and set up several of the interations i had been told might work and showed me they would not work, he then got me what will work and put it all together. Well worth the 3 or more hours he spend with me explaining all to me. I make an investment that will put off getting a gopro 4 black for a while but if this works the video with the 3 should be great. I spent the evening designing model 12 and getting ready to fabricate. Typically the chase cam follows the flying machine unless there is a lot of turbulance and the moving back and forth., rudder effect on the flying machine, has not been a problem except on models where overall length was short. The largest challenge has been getting the camera out and tilted to frame flying machine and surrounding scenery in one picture. The next largest problem has been the rolling.
We are getting ready to go into our calm wind period during the winter so i am hoping as the grass greens things will come together. I have a video with a lot of parts ready to go but want to put this model in when i get it flying.