Hey there! I'm Bill. I'm a student pilot in the Houston area, slowly learning and building hours to take my checkride soon. My end goal is to eventually get my commercial license, and I figure a good way to build more hours with my PPL is to have my own plane instead of renting from a school since it gets expensive. I thought why not build one? I originally was set on the Aerolite 103 and registering it so I could log hours, but someone recommended to me the LEXL since Leonard is right nearby. A light aircraft that is easy on fuel, that I can register (already talked to the FSDO), and that I can possibly treat like a STOL plane? Sure!
So last year I bought a set of plans, watched build videos, bought the wood and metal kit from John Bolding, bought a prop from Performance Propellers, and have a 45hp 1/2 VW sitting pretty in its crate. Life kinda got in the way for the past year so progress has been nil with everything sitting in a stack, but once it cools down more I'm pushing myself to finally start. I've been slowly accumulating some tools and got myself a corner spot in a hangar on the same airfield as Leonard, so I'll have the boss right there to help out.
Once I get things rolling, I'll share updates!