Hello people, I spent a half day to finally make the slideshow from about 50 pictures of 3 monts of work.
Hope you like it
click it ! or here:
IMPORTANT for builders: It was the wrong way to sandblast the case in and out.
Never again inside because was quite impossible to remove all the glass microballons from oil galleries.
Removing all! oil taps from galleries, I spent two days cleaning with small brushes and gasoline numerous times.
After 2 minutes of first run i change the oil and filter, than after 5 minutes and than again after 30 minutes.
I disassembled the engine again and had slightly visible wear on the gears for cam and distributor, consisting in scratches.
Thank god it was only cosmetic and only on the gears because they run in the unfiltered oil at first run.
All the rest run in filtered oil and was clean.
The work on heads for more head volume was started because the people in german beetle forum insists in a squish.
It was too late to understand that its only sense is to swirl the compressed mixture for better burning.
But i need reliability and not maximum power, this is the reason i want more head volume to get a lower compression rate using bigger cylinders.
Next time don't touch the heads but add a spacer on cylinder bottom. Nothing easier than that and not two weeks time and work waste for nothing useful. With the 94 mm cylinders probably you need a handmade spacer or use two of comercial ones. There don't exist that big on aftersale market to get ratios of 8:1
Engine run great, 45 HP at 2800 rpm static and 230 pounds of static thrust at 90 F.
Weight in order to fly 105 pounds.
cheers Hermann