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Author Topic: Forum pictures  (Read 3405 times)

Offline joecnc2006

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Forum pictures
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:09:02 AM »
Is there a way to download all the pictures at once on this forum? would be nice to go through them for reference, instead of hunting for pictures in forum, and not seeing allot or majority of them, I know they are in gallery, but would like them for offline viewing. Maybe they are on a photo share site.

Offline Dan_

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Re: Forum pictures
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2016, 12:31:36 PM »
Is there a way to download all the pictures at once on this forum?  

Yes it would be possible with considerable hacking skills.  

I did some research, and there is no way to do it in the forum software, but apparently Linux has a command line utility that would do it called Wget.

I don't know what it would do to the server load, and if they have defenses against it, but it would be a considerable investment in time and resources for what you would get... A mound of pics with no context...

Perhaps your time would be better spent combing the forum, search box term by search box term...

While we are on the subject of pics and posts...

If you prefer inline (embedded) pics in your posts instead of attachments.  

Use a forum friendly pic storage site like photobucket, or Flickr.  

Google drive is not forum friendly... (it is not a straight forward proposition linking to their URLs)

When you make a post, have the pic in one browser tab and ENforum in another.  

In your post, hit the "insert image" button in the editor.  Now go to the Flickr tab and right click your pic, hit "copy link address". 

Finally, go back to your post tab, backspace the hanging "http:" out of the dialog box, right click and hit "paste" to place the URL into the box.

When you hit the Preview button you should see your post with the pic embedded. 

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Offline joecnc2006

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Re: Forum pictures
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2016, 01:02:27 PM »
I have my own forums and I am on many many others, One thing I hate is when someone uses an offsite photo storage, and then a couple three or four years later they close that account and the forum is left with many broken links and no picture visible where it was linked to, This get frustrating for members who search and and ready to find some references to find out it is gone you just get a little icon and no picture. You can already see it here on this forum.

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Re: Forum pictures
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2016, 01:16:09 PM »
, One thing I hate with a passion is for someone to use an offsite photo storage, and then a couple three or four years later they close that account and the forum is left with many broken links and no picture visible where it was linked to,

This is true...  In trying to keep my life as simple as possible, I only have the google drive account.  I have used it to embed pics, but it is a pain and I can't remember how I did it.

And I noticed while researching this that Yahoo is looking to sell Flickr on their way down.  They really screwed up when they hired that Google reject to run it.  

They just had Yahoo groups working really good, then She decided to go on the "Neo" rampage.   My opinion of course, but I digress.

...I like the way the attachments work here.  You get to see what the pic is before you click to enlarge it, and you can easily download it by clicking the link below it.

Also, you don't have to worry about reducing the size of your pics, it is done automatically by the forum software.

You can set your camera to full glory pic size and upload away.

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