While reorganizing my wing jig I started thinking about my nose ribs and saw that some had mentioned the possibility of the thin nose ply covering buckling etc. It might have been a bit of a pain also to get the epoxy varnish exactly on the thin ribs in the right place and then the epoxy just right. What I thought about was to make nose ribs out of 3/4" thick blue styrofoam like I did years ago with the Skypup. Those ribs could each be covered on the leading edge with a 3/4" strip of .8mm ply. Then, when it's time to finally install the leading edge ply, it would have a wider surface to adhere to on each foam/ply nose rib and also benefit where the ply needs to get joined or spliced in place. I don't think it would add any weight overall. Any thoughts on this ? Thanks.