Paul, DE Stubby has up elevator limit at about 40-45 degrees from neutral. This is not as original/as per plans. I don't remember what the original was, but probably around 35-40 degrees. We modified the controls to get this much up elevator. The reason is that we were fighting a too-forward flying CG, and the airplane would not flare well when landing with power pulled back to idle. Eventually we got the CG further back, and the extra movement is not required.
The key is to get your DE flying CG to around 28 - 30% of wing cord back of the wing leading edge. That's about 15 to 16.5 inches aft of wing LE.
By the way, the only time you may need much down elevator is when raising the tail on take-off roll; otherwise, you don't need much down elevator, and you don't need as much down as up. So, when making the elevator cables and setting the neutral stick position, keep this in mind. Build in a bit more up than down.