Things are going slower than I'd hoped but here we are.
The wings and ailerons are varnished. I'm trying to pre-bend the leading edges to help with installation. Tail section is done. Fuel tank is done. Landing gear components are fabricated and awaiting welding. Tail wheel is done. 4130 tubes are still hanging from the basement ceiling. I need to get them into the garage sooner rather than later. They ain't gonna weld themselves. I have an oxy-acetylene rig set up with the MECO Midget torch. I have the fabric and glue for the wings.
I just ordered an engine from
Scott Casler, should be arriving late Spring. I'm going to be getting my prop from
Frank Johnson. Should be a nice little setup.
I have only evenings to work on the plane as my days off are for other projects [see attached]
I'm probably not the first to sing this sad song. Oh well... time to put the tool belt on. Wish me luck on the ladder.