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Author Topic: Questions, thinking out loud, etc. Verner Radials, wings, STOL, etc.  (Read 1775 times)

Offline libertyman777

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Hi all, 
Well, it's been a while but I was musing around youtube and saw the video on the Verner Radial on the LE and was impressed to say the least.  So impressed that I gave Sam at ScaleBirds a call and inquired a bit about engine options.  He was very gracious with his time and we spoke at length about engine options for the Double Eagle and I'm guessing would work for the cabin eagle as well.  He said that the Scarlett 5 would be more than enough engine for the Double Eagle.  

This got me to thinking but first a question.  Do the Cabin Eagle and Double Eagle share the same wing?  

Wouldn't a Double Eagle or Cabin Eagle, with their much longer wingspan make really serious candidates for STOL aircraft with the greatly increased torque of the Scarlett 5?  

Also, do you think it would be acceptable to add vortex generators and/or stall fences to the wings?  Throw on some tundra tires?  

I'm asking because I don't know how viable these options are.  In speaking with Sam, it's obvious that takeoff performance will be better.  Any ideas?  


Offline Kiwi55

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  • Eagle Type: Cabin Eagle
The wings are the same on the cabin eagle and double eagle except for the way the ailerons are actuated. And of course the cabin eagle has a greater total wing span because of the cabin in the middle.

Offline sideband

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I think it would really depend on how short and what kind of terrain you're talking about. I think the landing gear of the eagle is going to be your first limiting factor if you've got the engine situation handled.
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