Hi Pilots,
today i had time to test on ground high altitude on 5900 Ft my 45 hp diy engine.
the prop is a handmade 54x 23,5 inch wide blade wood prop.
For specs of my engine
see here: i got 2800 rpm and 1100 F and 160 pound thrust.
Airtemp was 68 F.
What do you think the rpm goes up to 3200 on 1000 ft and 200 pound or more?
I can not test on low altitude because i live in the center of the european Alps mountains and to get under 2000 ft i need to go very far away.
than i have a strange problem with the ngk B6HS spark, it is white and seem too lean but the EGT is low at 1100 F...
i dont know what is right now, to use for maximum power the spark plug or EGT.
Edit:On the engine pics you see where the EGT is located, around 2 1/2 inch away from the cylinder exhaust flangeCheers