« on: January 14, 2015, 04:03:26 PM »
I have seen these at wallyworld....for near $100. I got an e-mail stating $29 for the deal...factory refurbished with full warranty. I got one....my friend has on in his race car and loves it compared to gopro's price....check it out. Could be just what you wanted to mount on your plane or make one of those outside view UFO's for it to ride on.Linky...... http://www.solidsignal.com/pview.asp?p=XTC260VPR&ss=421896Even if you don't sign up to get this deal the regular price is $44. Still beats any others price I have seen....micro SD card not included.
They ask me what it's made of.....I tell them bed sheets and broomsticks seem to fly best....