Yes, I am still here.
I had some life altering situations going on and I am currently on track to continue. The fuselage is safe in my shed and I'll be continuing the video series with video #66 this coming week.
I'm still very much in love with the Legal Eagle design. Life just has a way of changing on a person and with a business, a wonderful wife & three kids sometimes our path takes on a life of it's own. Last week I was dealing with some of the pressures in my business and my son Henry says"Dad, we need to finish the ultralight". My first thought was "are you nuts", then I thought, maybe he's the smart one here? Of course, my wife agrees and kinda pushed me along as well. I'm just being honest here guys, sometimes I feel like there's so much pressure from life it seems wrong to work on fun things outside of those pressures. I know that sounds kind of odd but that is what has been going through my head.
Anyhow, shortly after my son made the suggestion I received a call from a good friend who actually got me into aviation originally. I'm 43, he's 76 and I consider him one of my very best friends. He left the Wisconsin winter to go hang out with the rusty zipper crowd in Florida and called to check up on me. We talked for 2 hours and he insisted I start back up as well. I agree.
I'm looking forward to it, I can't wait to start again.