The motor mount design is based off of what I could see of Les Smoot's mount. I used 5/8 .049, I also added some heavy aluminum angle across the front and on each side for the attachment points. I started by making up 8 spools, mounted 4 to the corners of the fuselage and welded 4 into a tray. I then mounted the tray to the engine and got everything level and squared up. I wanted to have the motor on because the tubes that come down at an angle on each side get pretty close to the cylinders. After everything was in place I tacked it together, removed the engine and finish welded.
Other than the mount I haven't change much yet but I worry about balance and adding weight to the tail. I didn't weigh my engine but should be around 125 lbs, we will just have to weight and see. I have a 7lb weight made that bolts onto the tail spring just to keep the tail down without the wings on.
I am cautiously optimistic!