914 PETEI have to ask 914 means Porche-vw based and all. I wish I had oneAlso rotax water cooled reduction 4 banger I would assume the aircraft application but one never knows .you could be some old curmudgeon.If you are look out for steel roofing salesmen. And if you have a clue as to what thet means your from the old Yahoo Site I have two observations on your post. # 1 I plan to do the same as in cope one let the other tube be a tube.I like the strength. However if you fear the weight and we all should at every turn.Cut a "V" out of the tube. Leave a good quarter everywhere.#2 You have your tubes laying flat. That is common practice on the LE,however, the XL drawings to my understanding are station distances. As in plumbed down to the table.Meaning your tail post should be a measurement above the table- being slightly longer. The normal practice of an LE is to tack up the rear : heat both tubes and pull the whole assy. into place. I like that.See mike's u-tubeIt seems to me and I could be big time incorrect that I bend longeron one and then longeron two to a station above the build table.Much more difficult but as I work mostly alone one at a time works for me. The only real issue is a matter of distance.I could be out to lunch but be sure.Tom XL-7
I did the same thing, and when raised the length was about 1.25" short, I asked Lenard if it would make a difference he said no, it is common. so many people have built theirs that way.