Ok, just got off the phone with Central Snowmobile, they of course do not have salvage parts anymore, so everything is new, The guy Max there is pretty knowledgeable.
he is getting me everything I need (for a motor cycle configuration that is, wink wink, you do not want to mention a plane) here is what was discussed and what i will need.
1. Two Mikuni 28mm carbs
2. Dual Cable, the throttle end will have a barrel connection (I just said I can make and adapter for throttle)
3. Two Choke Adapters adapter kits for the carbs which has the original lever choke.
4. the dual cable choke cables which comes with a T-Conector and the switch and the switch which is a toggle type with very little throw which he said is all is needed.
5. Two barrel style Rubber flanges to mate to the premade heads i got from Scott Castler.
Anyone know of anything else they got to adapt the carbs? I'm still not sure about the jetting yet have to read a little further on this.