So, I messed up a bit on the fuselage, and looking for opinions.
The first diagonal brace on the bottom after the Number 3 station (going back) should be a 1/2 inch tubing, well I used 5/8. I used 1/2 after that as I should have. I do have all the lower braces already tacked in, and am currently at step 10 of Scotts Excellent write up on the frame build, and just happened to notice this now. Some of my tacks are pretty.... big, and this being pretty far up in the frame I feel it would be a PITA to get out and to get a 1/2 inch one to fit right. Not the end of the world... just a pain. I am already starting to talk myself into cutting it out and putting in a 1/2... just a bit worried I could mess up one of the long stringers in the processes. I do not yet have the vertical braces at the number 3 station in yet, so better that I caught it now than later.
So I my question is... Should I cut out and replace with a 1/2, or leave it as-is and run with the 5/8th? Its about 3ft in length, so I imagine there is a bit of a weight difference.
Funny thing (trying to stay in a good mood) is I actually messed this up long before I even got the material. I had gone through the plans with a highlighter and marked the 5/8 in purple Highlighter, and the 1/2 in yellow. I even realized at the time I messed it up, so I marked 1/2 with a couple arrows at that brace and ran over it with some yellow (so it basically still looks purple). Figured I would remember and also see my arrows and what not... nope.