I was wondering if there was a way for me to acquire some pre-made wings for the XL or if aircraft spruce happened to supply aluminum ribs or parts that I could use to cut down on the fabrication time of the wings.
Was wondering what you thought these might be worth? in dollars?
covered or uncovered
painted or unpainted
delivered or not
I would say anything that would be a good starting point for me to assemble it myself, uncovered and delivered with no paint.
If it wasn't more than $1000 I would want to get one covered and delivered unpainted.
Here's one for you Ultra.... I have a 2 cyl VW engine with parts in it which should put out 32 hp. Apparently Scott Cassler has had his hands in it. Less than 100 hours on it says the lad that sold it to me. . Dual igniton, mag and electronic firing four plugs. Zenith carb and carb heat is set up. I have four wing spars, all the ribs made and ready to install plus all the extra wood for diagonal bracing etc. etc. Oh...the engine comes with three props, one needs a cleanup, varnish and balance.
Now...I live in Ottawa and you live near Toronto. Will you pay me ( Canadian Dollars Now ) two grand for the engine and one grand for the wing parts ?