Thanks I got it off the EAA website last year I think, will dig it up again. I was going to pick a calm morning or evening a couple days before the show starts and get it in there and tie down. What do you use for good tie down anchors?? Will we be along that fence line where you were last couple years?
will stay in touch on this maybe via email, I will shoot you a note.
I flew last couple days fine tuning my carbs and trying to get he EGT's up. I got from below 900 to 950 by dropping mains to 155 from 170. I still have a little roughness at 1800 where my right carb shakes enough to vent fuel....Only in that small power band of 18-2000 approx..1/4 to 3/8 throttle maybe. Smooth when I get thru that band...I have to think it is a carb tune issue not engine balance because it is smooth above and below?? and It has gotten lots better since I enriched out the jet needle slot all the way to the 5th slot. I did have the hesitation again yesterday when at 3/8 throttle again with the 155 mains in, I just increased throttle and it stopped. So I am going back to the 170's and seeing if the hesitation is gone for good...
It seems like the jet needle system when interacting with the main jet system has issues with the mains being too lean....Even when at that power setting the needle jet system is really dominating or should be.....My static RPM is higher now by 100 RPM then when I have the middle slot clip on the jet needle.. More power than when I was running with 1050 EGT... the motor seems to be happy running rich. My EGT are below 900 when at 3/4 throttle. At full throttle I only pick up 100 RPM maybe, but my EGT's go up to 950. (my belite LED gauge starts at 950)
So I am very close now , just want the carb spitting to stop, my motor leaks no oil now so want to clean it up...
Almost ready to get out of the pattern after getting over this hump. Would like to fly over to see you before the show, need to get some miles on....