Yes, I bent the two sides of the front piece over the side pieces to keep the wind from getting under the corners - that has worked so far. I used Lexan because it bends in a sheet metal brake without breaking (up to a point :-) that is) - It is a bit softer than plexiglass, so will scratch or haze easier than plexi, so is important to flood with water to clean - just a damp rag will cause scratches if you dont get all the grit off first when cleaning. You can buy a Plexiglass cutter at Home Depot or Lowes - but I just use my Lock Blade knife upside down to scribe the line several times where I want to 'break' the lexan or plexi - I use the tip of the top of the blade to scribe the cut line several times, place that line along the edge of the work bench, with the piece I want to keep on top of the bench and snap down along the line. Use scrap to practice a few times and you will have it down. Hint: Keeping the protective film on will help deter scratches while doing the cutting. Hope this helps