I was wondering if it's acceptable to rout or laser cut the wing ribs for the XL using a router or laser cutter instead on a single piece of wood instead of gluing multiple pieces together in a jig?It would save me some time and money if I could cut them all out in a day for the wing as well as other wing parts.
I Laser Cut my DE Nose Ribs.Videos here:https://photos.google.com/u/1/share/AF1QipN1ukwh7DTPh8r0vpRNPwEx2D4iZuNdA4q_QXSvhGKw0lWkJrahkG7Q06A4xF3RMw?key=V1lUWUlLc1ZCaEVHT0lhY1R6VlRJWTFxbm1lcFJRcheers Paul