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Author Topic: Gluing ribs to rear spar  (Read 4192 times)

Offline Carolyn

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Gluing ribs to rear spar
« on: July 30, 2018, 12:56:47 PM »
Hi  i’m new to this board and I’m trying to figure out how to use it. My question has to do with how to glue the ribs to the rear spar.  I have a good tight fit so that when I slide my rib down the spar it would wipe all the glue off. So how do you get glue between the rib and the spar? Did anyone glue small blocks on either side of the rib to hold it in place? Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Carolyn Bost in North Carolina

Offline Vince Carucci

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Re: Gluing ribs to rear spar
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2018, 06:35:22 PM »
Here is my approach. 

When the wing is under load, the spar is being pulled down while the rib is being pulled up. But because the spar in "inside" the rib, the glue plays less of a structural roll than it does on the front spar. So just try to get some glue in that fit between the rear spar and the rib. Try this: 

  • Slide the rib into position on the spar. 
  • Use a pencil to mark the spar where the rib will sit (front, back, bottom). 
  • Move the rib out of the way and put a good amount of glue on the on the spar where the rib will sit. 
  • Move the rib back into position. 

There will be quite a bit of glue squeeze out. Just wipe it away. There will still be glue between the spar and the rib.
Or you could put a small bevel on the upper part of the spar where it contacts the rib. That way you could lift the spar off the bottom of the rib, apply the glue, and drop it onto the rib.

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Gluing ribs to rear spar
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2018, 06:45:06 PM »
Thanks Vince. That is helpful. That is what I had decided. I just put the glue on like you said and moved the rib back and forth to smear it around. Then I took some tiny little brad nails and tapped them in to hold the rib in place while it dries. I got a little squeeze out of each side so I think it’s going to be ok.


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