In 2004 I bought a smith lightweight torch kit. It was labeled a "Cavalier". Things like that were available from aircraft supplies.
It included an AW1A torch, a cutting torch two single stage regulators which work just fine , hose, fittings flashback suppressors etc.. Two tips came with the kit. Aw203 and Aw205 The 3 is good from 0.032-0.046, The 5 will run you in a range 0. 62 to 0.093.
I have an AW207 that I have welded schedule 10 sprinkler pipe with into a structural piece. 3/16 wall (the 207 is called out for 0.125) a large cantilevered gate on rollers one end. Cool fall weather. Puddle moved slow just watched for
the penetration and snailed along, but has been in service for 5 years and has no issues. I have a 201 and a 202. I use the 203 the most. The 201 is suggested for 0.032 so I have the lower end covered.
You want the 3 and 5 for sure.
Cavalier was $274. 75 shipped. Uh good luck with that part
For you guys who like the meco midget the 3 is like a 1.5 The 5 is between a 3 and a 4 so 3.5.