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Author Topic: Plans query  (Read 3243 times)

Offline GTS225

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Plans query
« on: August 17, 2020, 03:19:38 PM »
I have decided to further investigate the LEXL, and have a few pointed questions concerning the plans package that Leonard offers.

When was the last update to the plans?
Do the plans from Leonard contain, or supposed to contain, a full size wing rib drawing?
Will the plans include a wing fold option, if that option is available?

I ask, because I really don't want to get deep into the build, only to find out later that I should have done something way back on page three that wasn't updated when it should have been.
I'm sure I'll have more questions, but that's all at this time.


Offline Kamcoman77

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2020, 05:50:06 PM »
My XL plans (H-51) show 3-25-2013 as the latest revision on a few pages and several 2012 dates on other pages. There is a full size wing rib in the plans, but it is comprised of several 8-1/2 x 11 pages that some builders say do not fit together well. Leonard offers a single sheet, full size wing rib drawing, but I think you have to order it as an extra item. There is no approved method to build the Legal Eagle or XL with folding wings. The Cabin Eagle (not an ultralight) has folding wings. With the help of this Forum, Leonard's plans, and perhaps the supplemental drawings from Iron Designs LLC, all your questions can be answered. Just remember to ask whenever you are not sure about part of the project before cutting or gluing.

Offline GTS225

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2020, 06:59:45 PM »
Seven years.....good to know.  I kinda would have liked to see something newer, but how often does a successful design need to be updated? (rhetorical question)
That also causes me to think that maybe a wing fold option might drive the weight out of 103 classification.

Thanks, Kam.....Roger

Offline Kamcoman77

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2020, 07:23:46 PM »
Yes, the folding wings would be very difficult to add without going far above the Part 103 weight limit. It is difficult to build to less than 254 pounds even when following the plans. Many of us tend to "add strength" where it is not needed and go over the weight limit.

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2020, 03:48:55 PM »
Seven years.....good to know.  I kinda would have liked to see something newer, but how often does a successful design need to be updated? (rhetorical question)
That also causes me to think that maybe a wing fold option might drive the weight out of 103 classification.

Thanks, Kam.....Roger

Roger.. It is not that difficult to remove the wings if you have to. ORV has traveled all over the country by doing just that.
Do the plans from Leonard contain, or supposed to contain, a full size wing rib drawing?
Yes they do, but use them at your own peril. When I first looked at my drawings, I laid them out, measured, and said, "no." There is just too much variation in how you tape them together to get something that would be even moderately accurate.
Leonard offers a full scale drawing for like 10 bucks. Cheap.
Iron Designs offers a set of drawings for (I've forgotten) but they are cheap, too.
What would be nice is a set of coordinates where you could lay out your own ribs. Many homebuilt airplanes have those. Nope. Take your choice. Use Leonard's rib plan or Iron Design's plan, and stick with it.
I ask, because I really don't want to get deep into the build, only to find out later that I should have done something way back on page three that wasn't updated when it should have been.
I'm sure I'll have more questions, but that's all at this time.
Here's the deal. The Legal Eagle has proven to be a good design.
Comma but.
The plans leave a lot to the imagination. There may be two that are built alike, but I doubt it.  ;) You will have to do your own research and decide how you want to build it.
That said.. it is an enjoyable project, and from what I've read a good flying airplane. I'll let you know in a few months with any luck at all.   :)

Offline Tom XL-7

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2020, 04:41:07 AM »
"What would be nice is a set of coordinates where you could lay out your own ribs."
I have done this and it fits on the one I made out the drawings. If you want to make one up out of the drawings there will be some paper trimming but put them in order, make the bottom flat and move left and right to get the called out distances between spars and to tail. Adjust to make a fair curve on top and ignore the diagonals. You know where they go. The attachment is from the old Yahoo group. I don't know the author or where the info originated. This airfoil is very common in the ultralight world. been around and flying longer than some readers have been alive.

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2020, 05:57:32 AM »
Scott should create digital CAD plans.  Leonard's hand drawn plans are dated. Cocktail napkin. I guess it keeps us checking and rechecking(dat's a good thing).
Not being critical really, but this is 2020.
""Take care of your wish""

Offline Chuck in Indiana

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2020, 09:34:36 AM »
Scott should create digital CAD plans.

As a manufacturer myself, let me say this. Really, it's not economically feasible to do cad drawings. To do "proper" drawings with details and dimensions would entail many, many hours. Combine that with the "economy of scale" (not)  :grin: and the price would be astronomical.
Obviously, the aircraft can be built with Leonard's sketches. Scott's drawings are helpful, too. I'd recommend them as an addition to the LE drawings. 
The attachment is from the old Yahoo group.
I never have been able to see any of that old Yahoo stuff for whatever reason. I *did* read here somewhere that Leonard said it was a "#2 LP. (lead pencil)  :grin:

Offline Tom XL-7

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2020, 10:07:17 AM »
I don't know if the old yahoo site exists anymore. Tried a few days ago and got nowhere. This stuff I am sharing are things I printed at the time and put with my build copy of prints.  For instance, to draw the airfoil from the coordinates I printed it to work off of.
Thank you for mentioning the "economy of scale".  It is a force in the ultralight world. There is little volume. That is why a lot of engines don't make it to production. Spend all the development time and money and realistically how many can you sell. We are not dealing with fortune 500 companies. WE are a small band of brothers and sisters. Many will not get this, Any"Scuffs and Misfits" out there? My hand is in the air.

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Re: Plans query
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2020, 10:51:27 AM »
I don't know if the old yahoo site exists anymore. Tried a few days ago and got nowhere.
Verizon bought Yahoo and killed off groups as we knew them.  They technically exist, but are just an email list.  They deleted all the files and photos and don't store anything anymore.  I am not sure if attachments are allowed.  Posts were disabled at the old Yahoo site in 2013 when this Forum was launched.

All the old group posts were searchable here until we went to https encryption.  That blew up the software that we were using.  I am sure there is a work around for that now, but there just did not seem to be any interest in it.

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