I used several different abrading tools, but nothing really was easy and the result less than desirable. I am wondering how I can improve that.
I am wondering if that would be better with some Argon back purging.
Like Chuck says, the Dremel or high-speed die grinder is the way to clean up the 7/8" tube interior. I had some pretty heavy clean-up to do on some of my hinges. An 80-grit sleeve on my Dremel did the job.
I've said many times that the right tool is 2/3 of the job. Get yourself a die grinder or even a Dremel or clone. ...
Like Chuck says, the Dremel or high-speed die grinder is the way to clean up the 7/8" tube interior. ...
... I know that you're not too keen on gas welding in your basement, and rightly so, but another benefit of gas welding is that the welds are much softer than tig or mig welds. Gas welds can be drilled and filed.
How about a 7/8" drill bit?
I've tried drill bits, they're scary. They want to catch and depending on how powerful your drill is, it can really throw you. A 7/8" reamer would be a better choice. However, that Tig weld is mighty hard and may ruin the hss reamer. Probably the best bet is a die grinder with a stone.
In the end, the limiting factor is my slightly underpowered air compressor. That thing was never meant to drive air-hungry rotary tools.
...At the very least, put a decent water trap in line, and drain it religiously. (proper tools and all that..) ......Never wear gloves or long sleeves when running machinery that rotates. I cringed when you were wearing gloves using that disc sander. It is one of the most dangerous tools in the shop, and if it grabs some cloth it is an explosion. Trust me.. ...