I finished my XL last week and been running it up working out bugs and setting carbs. I swapped out the stock 200 jets for 170's per Scott Casler and other forum recommendations. My motor. Is a 37 hp Mosler. I get 3100 static (54x22 TN prop)and seems to run very well even at very low idle.Timing and valves set right on..my question is black sooty plugs really sooty black on left and a little less on the right. I left the jet clips in the middle position as I received them did not change them when I put in the 170,s. I started with the mixture screws out 1.5 turns now at 1 turn out . I am thinking I need to move the jet clips up to lean this thing out. Do I go to the first or second notch and keep the mixture screws out 1.5 turns , or is there a system to do this. From my motorcycle work I am thinking I need to end up about 1.5 out on the mixture and leaner on the needle clips. After I get good looking plugs I will fine tune with the EGT .Any direction here will be appreciatedBob
This graphic is central to understanding a properly sized Mikuni VM carbA new Edition of the Mikuni VM Tuning Manual is attached: